Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Brake Stands in rear wheel drive car, how bad are they for the brake discs, pads, and rotors?

Brake Stands in rear wheel drive car, how bad are they for the brake discs, pads, and rotors?

I have a 97' ford ranger, and when im with my friends ill fool around and hold the brake down with my left foot and pin the gas with my right foot, thus getting the back tires to spin and make some smoke and all that good stuff. But how bad is the damage im doing, I do it very seldom and havnt noticed any changes in the brakes. I know I shouldnt do it at all, but just a little curious, thanks.Brake Stands in rear wheel drive car, how bad are they for the brake discs, pads, and rotors?
glazing the rear brakes might not stop you in an emergency stop