Wheel off then Caliper off then disc screws out then disc offHow to change brake discs fiat punto mk2?
If you need to ask then take it to a garage !How to change brake discs fiat punto mk2?
At many auto parts stores you can buy a Haynes do-it-yourself manual for your model car, with step-by-step instructions, and basic explanations at the beginning of each chapter. If it is not in stock, you can order it online by searching on %26quot;auto repair manuals%26quot; on Yahoo search. In the front is a section on %26quot;Troubleshooting%26quot; that guides you step-by-step to find causes of most engine malfunctions based on the car's symptoms. Whether you do the work yourself or not, it helps you make informed decisions and not be taken advantage of, and to not feel so %26quot;in the dark.%26quot;
db667089 says: you can check http://www.alldatadiy.com. For about the same price as a Haynes or Chilton's repair manual, you can have online access (for a whole year) to model specific info for your particular vehicle. This is the same info that repair shops use. They have great wiring schematics/diagrams.
Also, for about $15 for a one-month subscription, you can get the factory manual, downloadable (careful! Mine was about 500 pages!) or viewable, at http://eAutoRepair.com.
Also, many people recommend autozone.com's free online manuals.
Best regards,
MikeHow to change brake discs fiat punto mk2?
as above it is the most simple job to do on a car if you are asking maybe you should leave it to the prosHow to change brake discs fiat punto mk2?
Loosen wheel nuts with sockets and locking socket for the one lock nut.
Jack car up remove all nuts, last one to remove would be the one at the top.
Remove wheel and put it under the car to the side ( this prevents you getting crushed if the jack fails).
Remove calliper by unscrewing the two screws at the back (usually covered with a bright coloured plug).
Take the calliper off and put to one side. (when putting the calliper back on make sure the piston in the calliper is pushed back to able you to put it on the disk).
Wee screw in the middle of disc take that out then the disc should come off, if not tap in the middle and side with copper hammer.
Wire brush disc mount and reassemble reverse order. (make sure that the new discs are exactly the same as the old ones).
When putting the wheel back on do the final tightening when it is on the ground and if you are unsure how tight it should use torque wrench or when tight give it a quarter turn to tighten it again then check wheel nuts after a journey.
Usually it is best to change the brake pads the same time as discs.
It would be worth your while to get a mannual, they go through the steps with you.