Is it possible for both calipers to lock when changing brakesHow to remove and replace disk brakes on a 91 ford thunderbird, calipers stuck?
if the rotors are worn then the pads have worn a grove in the rotor, take the master cylinder cap off and either pry the pads away from the rotor or use a hammer and tap the caliper loose. don't press the brake petal while the caliper is of the rotor as this will blow the pistons out of caliper when the old pads are off push the piston into the caliper insert the new pads re attach the caliper,s and press on the brake petal to resetHow to remove and replace disk brakes on a 91 ford thunderbird, calipers stuck?
if u have the caliper bolts off stick a screwdriver inside the hole on the top and seperate the pads if they wont move take off your master cylindercap and repeat