Wednesday, November 24, 2010

When to change Brake Disk / Drum?

How many KM?

I got small nissan sunny car.When to change Brake Disk / Drum?
no need to change unless you've worn the brakes to the point of being metal to metal,other than that the drums should last forever and your dics should be checked when changing the pads for either warping or being worn too thinWhen to change Brake Disk / Drum?
You replace these parts only when they are worn out. There are specifications to go by when you measure them; make the comparison when you service them to determine if they need replacement or just resurfacing.When to change Brake Disk / Drum?
This is not like an oil change which must be done every 3,000 miles. The disk pads or brake shoes will wear differently depending on your style driving or even on their quality.

Disk pads are easier to examine, because they are readily visible, both inside and outside pads. It is easy to judge how much meat you have on both. Wearing them %26quot;too thin%26quot; will score the rotors (create groves), requiring them to be turned (filed by a machine to a smooth/even surface) before replacing the pads. Brake shoes are more difficult, as one needs to remove the tires and drums in order to inspect them. The same principal as the disk/rotors applies that is, don't let then wear down to the metal, which will score the drums, equally requiring them to be turned.

Amount of meat left (usually referred to by mechanics): the thickness of either the rotors or the drums is measured before turning them, in order to assure they have not been worn to below thickness specifications, in which case they must be replaced. One sound I never want to hear (neither you) is the sound of metal against metal, meaning that either pads or shoes are completely worn to the metal, because this causes heavy scoring on either the rotors or the drums. It is a good idea to inspect them if you are not sure at what stage yours are. If replaced properly, brakes ought to last you at least 40,000 miles. On my vehicles I use the Bendix brand pads and shoes which cost more, but are well worth the money.When to change Brake Disk / Drum?
There is no replacement time table on brake disk's. You replace them when they become damaged either by the brake pads wearing out and scoring or warping of the surface to the point that they can not be re-surfaced. A shop can measure this and determine if replacement is required or if they can be serviced to restore smooth braking.