Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to change rear plymouth grand voyager 99 brakes?

not sure if they are disk brakes, engine is 3,3L v6How to change rear plymouth grand voyager 99 brakes?
They are prob drum brakes. If you have not done brakes before (esp drum), have an experienced person help you.

Jack up and secure vehicle.

Back off adjusters from the backside of the drum. The adjusters are under the rubber plug. It might not be necessary if the drums aren't worn badly.

Remove tire and rim

Remove drum

screw in adjuster to compact it

Take a few pictures from different angles, noting spring mountings.

Remove springs (vise grips or spec tools) and shoes, noting that there is a longer and shorter shoe, and which one is to the rear and front. it matters.

Take pics of Ebrake fastening scheme.

Wash down with brake parts cleaner

Replace shoes and use NEW springs, etc (buy a spring kit when you buy your shoes).

Be sure Ebrake is fastened right

Put drum on again

put wheel on

adjust the adjuster with a special tool (or a screwdriver-that's what I use). Your object is to adj the shoes until they just barely drag against the drums while you spin the wheel. (you are in nuetral with wheels chocked, right?)

I may have missed something, but that is the basic idea- that's why I said to have an experienced person looking over your shoulder. Definately test drive with a few easy stops, and a few hard stops. If the drums heat up enough to hurt your hand, adj the shoes inward. They should stay cool to just warm.

Buy quality shoes from NAPA or a reputable parts place. Don't buy the AutoZone cheapies. Mid grade is fine, esp for the rear brakes, which last a long time.

You may have to adj the Ebrake cable, but it should be fine. The Ebrake should be noticably better (engaging sooner).

Good Luck!How to change rear plymouth grand voyager 99 brakes?
Stop by your local auto parts store and purchase a Haynes repair manual for your Voyager, it's full of good info for someone like yourself and will pay for itself with just one repair, in your case brakes. Good luck.
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