Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to change disc brakes 01 astek?

disc brakes are pretty simple.. you need to remove the caliper (probably two or three long bolts), unbolt the disk, remove the cotter pin, replace the disc, put a new pin in, bend it off, bolt it up. If you need to change the pads, they usually clip out. (metal clips.. like snaps). You'll need a c-clamp to collapse the caliper to make room for the thicker new pads. After you bolt the caliper back in place, you have to pump the brake a few times before the system is good to use. Good luck. BTW, the Aztec is ugly.How to change disc brakes 01 astek?
The Aztec is built on a Pontiac Montana Frame.

I couldn't find instructions for the Aztec, but should be very close to the following for the Montana. to change disc brakes 01 astek?
If you mean ABS brakes those are a challenge. There is plenty of things involved but most importantly getting all the extra things off of it. Make sure you get rid of the brake line fluids. Also i would read the manuel to the car. It explains throughly how to change it, none the less someone on here to explain it to ya